By Adam Brock
Directed by Rose Riordan
At Portalnd Center Stage
Feb 2010
Lorraine Taylor ..... Laura Faye Smith
Martin Dart ..... Chris Harder
Beverly Wilkins ..... Sharonlee McLean
Edward Raymond ..... Robert M Thomas
sez says: I am more impressed by Sharonlee Mclean every time we see her. She did a spot-on job in her role as the Receptionist in this play of the same name. She led the way in the creation of a work place many of us have been in, in which daily personal drama mixes with whatever the goal of the office staff might be. In this case, the goal of the staff is a never fully identified creepy backdrop to office antics which the Receptionist tries, half-hardheartedly, to keep in check. All we know is that whatever these people do in their work life it requires torturing people--and they can be added to the list of those to be tortured. Meanwhile they prance about worrying about tea cups and old boyfriends, and dreaming of fly fishing. Are we all really that alienated from the products of our labor? Karl Marx said we were and maybe Adam Brock agrees. Robert M Thomas also provided a droll rendition of a man who may have caught a glimmer of the reality behind his job. We are hopeful about his possible contributions to Portland's community of actors. Chris Dart was a little flat and Laura Faye Smith was a bit to broad in our opinion. All in all this is an interesting piece--but it is a little thin. I wouldn't tell my friends to avoid it but then I wouldn't tell them to rush out to see it either. Grade C-
15 years ago