by Jordan Harrison
Directed by Kip Fagan
Lori Larsen ..... The Professor
Christopher David Murray ..... Gash
Kerry Ryan ..... Grace
Phillip Clark ..... Edward
sez says: future time--the virtual world of letters has replaced the written word. the result: No books, No hand writing, No privacy. We open with a professor lecturing her class about Fonts and the written word. She is kidnapped by people who want to stop the consolidation of all knowledge 'by any means necessary' ie: they are terrorists. Lots of conversation takes place about the dangers and changes that accompany the technological changes we are experiencing today. The first half of this show was great--'the professor's lecture' --the second half was less engaging because the issues and their implications were not clearly delineated....and what was suggested was not fully thought out. So it seemed like a good idea--but needed to get sharper toward the end--not duller. The acting was very good but the play, while not BAD--was also not GOOD either: It needs more work. It was fine for a JAW reading (which is what it was--a work in progress) but it seems like it was choose to fill space, cheaply, in the season's offerings.
15 years ago