Playwright: Conor McPherson
Director: Devon Allen
Joe ..... Matthew Micucci
Frank, Joe's Older Brother ..... Matthew DiBiasio
Ray, their sister Carmel's boyfriend ..... Dennis Kelly
sez says: this play is a series of monologues --all pitch perfectly done. Using Irish accents that were realistic but never hard to understand we are given three characters who are storytellers of the first rank. They are: A young man--coming of age; An older brother, whose first concern is to help his father and who engages in daring -do to accomplish that end; A college professor who is a narcissistic prig of the first-order and who is an alcoholic--who provides never ending crude comic relief. Mixed in there is rape and robbery and finally a resolution of sorts--for all but the girl. Wonderful story telling--well done all round --and a beautiful set to-boot. Grade A
15 years ago
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